GIF: White backgrounds
160px X 160px GIFs showing the 5 animations:
Idle | Walk | Eat | Slash | Stab
Idle | Walk | Eat | Slash | Stab
GIF: Transparent backgrounds
160px X 160px GIFs showing the 5 animations:
Idle | Walk | Eat | Slash | Stab
Idle | Walk | Eat | Slash | Stab
GIF: NFT backgrounds
160px X 160px GIFs showing the 5 animations:
Idle | Walk | Eat | Slash | Stab
Idle | Walk | Eat | Slash | Stab
GIF: Holiday Hats
160px X 160px GIFs showing the 5 animations:
Idle | Walk | Eat | Slash | Stab
Idle | Walk | Eat | Slash | Stab
GIF: 4 Directions
160px X 160px GIFs showing the North, South, East and West idle and walk animations
Idle | Walk
Idle | Walk
Custom Minecraft skins for each Farm Hand